The Blog: What’s happening at Ross Bay?

Who surprised who?

Just tootling along minding our own business, looking to see if the grass was ready to cut for silage, and I think we made the deer jump!  There are several deer to be seen down here at Ross Bay in the different patches of woodland around the farm, living and hiding behind the gorse.  There

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Grey Days.

We all have those grey days don’t we, where the weather is miserable, however here at Ross Bay there is always something to look at, good weather or bad.  It may be the boats bobbing about in the bay, the direction of the rain, the colour of the sea, or the waves crashing against the

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The view of the bay.

Our beautiful bay is just the perfect medicine to relax and take a step back in time, and let the world pass you by for a few days.  The sunshine looks glorious as it reflects on the high tide in the bay.  The constant ebb and flow means there is always something different to see

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The Hatching!

Well down here at Ross bay, our geese have hatched themselves some lovely goslings.  They are extremely proud and guard them well in the paddock with our old pony Smokey.  We are sure you will spot them during your Springtime stay here.

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Sunbathing in April!

Our little cocker spaniel Roxey enjoying a little Sunday sunshine overlooking Ross Island.

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Our duckpond has refilled with the glorious rain and our new fence has smartened things up a little!

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Daffodills are go…….

Spring lambs and spring flowers at Ross Bay Retreat, why not pay us a visit and enjoy them all at once.  Skipping lambs, swaying daffodils, calving time has started, lets put Winter behind us and spring towards Summer!

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Celebrations at Ross Bay.

What better way than to spend the festive period at Ross Bay Retreat?  We have had a busy time over Christmas and New Year – Happy 2017 to you all.  The weather here has been lovely, cold but dry just perfect for those family walks around the coast, fresh air then retreat to the cosy

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Christmas time.

Christmas time seems to have flown in this year.  12 months ago we were working to have the underfloor heating in situ in The Old Cheeseloft, before Christmas to dry, with plans to start works in early January.  Here we are, looking to welcome guests down to Ross Bay for a relaxing stay in our

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A Deer Visitor.

We have several different groups of deer living freely down here at Ross Bay in the woods on the farm.  We do have a mother with 2 young living in the wood on the driveway to our house and the cottages.  Our talented guest Jill Rowland staying in Creel Cottage caught this superb photo of

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Best Self Catering Accommodation Experience Award of Excellence BLK ProudSupporter biosphere Galloway and southern Ayrshire biosphere Good To Go Scottish Agritourism

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